Thursday, April 11, 2013

April showers of blessings

Hello My Blog Family!
So I am so sorry I have been so absent for my blog. Things are so amazingly busy right now! I mean that is the greatest way possible! I am feeling so amazingly blessed by God in my life! So things to update…

Guatemala!! Oh I am so excited about everything about this mission. We are currently through the first two chapters in our cross cultural guide/ workbook. It is a lot of work but there is a lot of bible study and personal growth that is coming out of it! I love listening to the group share about the thing God is doing in their lives because they have taken the call to follow God’s will. I fills me up and I can’t get enough. The donations have really slowed down and I was beginning to worry. Last two weeks not a single donation came in… As I prayed I asked God to take away my worry about the money and gave it over to Him. It was like feeling the weight actually lifted off my shoulders. I guess I didn’t realize how nervous I was becoming and God was there patiently waiting for me to give Him back the control. It was a couple days after this amazing God moment that I got the Update Email. Without worry or hesitation I opened it and there was $200 more than I had thought I had. I am at $2,185 raised and only have $315 left to raise. I have said from the beginning I did not have a choice in whether or not I was going. God had that part handled! It was a choice of whether or not I would listen and obey. I am so excited at the relationships I making with this incredible group of people! I cannot get enough of it.

Speaking of great relationships!!! I have to say I am making them In Refuge Youth Ministries also! I am excited by the people and focus of Refuge. It is not like the youth group you and I have gone to… this is insane! There are like 200 kids and a full worship band and free time and of course a service and prayer. I have been an Adult leader with them for only a short amount of time but I LOVE it! It is the highlight of my week! I got to send some time with some of the student leaders last night outside of the church and I was amazing to feel accepted and relaxed and laugh till I was almost sick. I remember the relationships from my youth group days and I didn’t realize how much they feed your soul! These are a group of people on fire for God. So passionate about Refuge and about Jesus that is contagious. I was so hesitant about joining after some for the scars from my past youth group and now I can’t imagine even a week without them! Don’t get me wrong this is not a perfect group or the best speakers and the worship but God shows up with and through everyone at Refuge and I love to just be a part of it and watch it work. Such a huge blessing from something I went into kicking and screaming. Oh the power of God’s will :)

So not much in my Sunday school class… we are still at about 25-30 3 and 4 year olds in my class. It has become odd when I only have 20 lol I Love those kids even when they drive me nuts they are still so amazing! It is fun to watch them put things together. Like Easter is not about a bunny! It is just great! I am going to have to send a little more time prepping lessons for them though because the person that used to do it isn’t anymore and I don’t want them to just get the leftovers of my time! Please pray for me on this as I am not great at lessons but I want to teach God’s love to these kids more than anything else!!

Update on my health… I am doing really well and am still continuing to lose weight. It’s amazing what being happy will do of your health lol. Since joining weight watcher with my parents I am down 10% of my body weight!!! Oh ya so excited! There was a key chain  which make in the last two years I am down a total of 48lbs. I think about that amount and am just shocked. I am not a small girl now so trying to mental find a place for 48lbs on my body is just mind blowing. It has been a rough road but I find the more I love myself and my life the easier the weight comes off.

Please just continue to pray for my teams, my church, my family and for me. I will continue to pray for all of you.

Thought I want to leave you with: Give God your ashes!

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