Friday, January 25, 2013

Update on ME

So I have yet to post this year about my weight loss journey and I think it is about time I do. I have been a weight watcher now since 6-2012 and am officially down 15 lbs with this program. I am completely shocked at how easy it is for me and yet how many times I would rather have a cookie than be thin. lol When I started my Journey 2 years ago I was newly diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis and still very angry about the “cards I was dealt.” I struggled with my meds and my weight and was in a pretty dark place. I started the Medifast diet at my heaviest 232lbs- size 20/22 and lost 30 lbs and then nothing for months and I gave up. I started working out and lost nothing for months. When I started weight watchers I had only put back on 4lbs of the weight but I was as discouraged as I had ever been. Then a crazy thing happened a year ago. My mom and I started a Zumba class that would change the course of my life. My mom fell in love with the church we were working out in and gave her life to Christ and was baptized. Through all of this I was struggling with my own faith and was not living a life anyone would be proud of. After watching my mom change in front of my eyes My heart started to change and I recommitted myself to God and began to walk with Him instead of running from Him. At 206lbs and a size 18/20 I started weight watchers and am thrilled at my progress. I am not down to a 14/16 and feel amazing. I wont lie and say that I have had all successes because believe me there have been several times I have given up for one reason or another. My health is so much better than it ever has been! I am not done yet my goal is to hit a BMI that is “Normal” I am shocked at what a year will do for you! I am Happier and Healthier than I have ever been. My life is full of joy and understanding and a lot more patience. I am excited for where God is leading me. I am taking on my weight loss more seriously, I have started teaching Sunday school and I am hoping to take my first mission trip in the summer. My entire life has made a 180 in just a year and I am so blessed to be here now looking back at the hard times and how sad I was and knowing it was all worth it.

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