Friday, January 18, 2013

My 1st Mission

This is my first mission trip and I couldn't be more excited and terrified to go. It is Ten days in Guatemala in July 2013. This is a chance for me to step out of my comfort zone and serve God. I am relying on faith and the love of my family and friend to help me get there. I am not in a place where I can pay for this on my own but I know if this is where God wants me to go He will make a way. The money will pay for building supplies, logging, airfare and food. I am not sure I will have the PTO to be paid while I am on this trip but I know God will show me the way.

Dear God, Thank you for this opportunity and for the love and support of my friends and family. I pray you will find a way for me to go. Please bless all the people who give and all those who can’t but wish they could. Lord, I cannot wait to see what this journey will bring to my life and lives of those we help. I love You. Amen 

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